Additional Information

  • Email Chrissy at info@efcservicesllc.com with your service request.
  • EFC uses MS Word to determine the word count for billing purposes.
  • EFC currently accepts payment via PayPal and will send you an invoice via PayPal for services when your request has been accepted. Work will begin once payment has been received.
  • For proofreading and copyediting options, EFC utilizes the “track changes” feature on MS Word. EFC will return your manuscript with any changes “tracked,” and you may choose to accept or decline these changes on an individual basis.
  • EFC will not share your work or personal information with anyone and will maintain your privacy and confidentiality at all times.
  • EFC will not forward your book to an agent or publisher.


Let us do the edits so you can write the story.

Editing · Writing · Writer Coaching
Print & E-book Formatting