There are many resources for grammar and punctuation to choose from. And they each serve a different purpose. Today, I will tell you about style guides.

Style guides are books or documents containing the rules of grammar, punctuation, usage, hyphenation, citation, formatting, etc. that publishers, writers, and companies use to keep their written materials consistent. There are many different style guides: The Chicago Manual of Style, AP Style, New Hart’s Rules, Australian Style Guide, The New York Times Manual of Style and Usage. Individual publishing houses and companies may also have their own specific style guide.



EFC’s go-to style guide is The Chicago Manual of Style. I find that it is the most comprehensive style guide available. If I’m working with a UK author for a UK audience, I will use New Hart’s Rules as my primary resource. For my Australian writers, I will use the Australian Style Guide. You get the picture.



** This post first appeared on EFC Services, LLC ( on July 9, 2020.